Calling on "States" to Enhance Performance
Art by Max-Jakob Beer @ unsplash
I recently became particularly curious about revisiting how some (mental, psychological, spiritual) "States" might enhance performance.I share some of my thoughts and research about this topic in the Scrapbook Collection Video-Book - June 2019 issue.
June also turned out to be full of opportunities to connect with our community, write, speak, create short video-content for our viewers ...
The good news is that the first issue of the E-Book Collection I had been working on for a while and ... never got around to finalizing, was finally published !. "The Scrapbook Collection: Principles for Entrepreneurial & Inspired Coaching" is designed as a creative and accessible scrapbook series inspired by the guiding principles that structure our entrepreneurial-style coaching-practice and help our clients manifest the outcomes that matter most in their personal and professional lives. It is available on Amazon.
Anne Ravanona of Global Invest Her and I had an great conversation.The Interview she conducted is part of a series on Trailblazing Women role models (Entrepreneurs and Leaders) from around the world : "See What You Can Be". It was originally published on Medium.
What I am reading, Listening to
Your Response to Mistakes Defines You — "Just because we’ve lost our way doesn’t mean that we are lost forever. In the end, it’s not the failures that define us so much as how we respond." — Farnam Street
Crowds — "Being special requires taking a risk and doing something unproven – and difficult – before it becomes just another selfie opportunity for everyone else." — The reformed Broker
People Don't Actually Know Themselves Very Well — People know themselves best on the traits that are tough to observe and easy to admit...With more observable traits, we don’t have unique knowledge... Any time a trait is easy to observe or hard to admit, you need other people to hold up a mirror for you – Adam Grant – The Atlantic
The Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others — The most important things in life are measured internally. Thinking about what matters to you is hard. Playing to someone else’s scoreboard is easy, that’s why a lot of people do it. But winning the wrong game is pointless and empty. You get one life. Play your own game — Farnam Street
The Difference Between Open and Closed Minded People — Why is it that some people seem to make constant progress in their professional and personal lives, while others appear to be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over? ... It's all in the mindset — Farnam Street
Why success is a lousy teacher — Ozan Varol
3 cheers for late Bloomers — Forbes — "Our culture's obsession with early achievement has become detrimental to the majority of the population- to the multitudes of us who develop in different ways at different places. It pushes the message that you haven't become famous, reinvented an industry or banked seven figures while you're still young enough to get carded, you've somehow made a wrong turn in life " — Rich Karglaard, Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed With Early Achievement
Podcast : The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement — Unmistakable Creative
Podcast : Leading Above the Line: Interview with Leadership Expert, Jim Dethmer — Farnam Street
Podcast : Following Intellectual Curiosity: Interview with Entrepreneur and Investor Thomas Tull — Farnam Street
Podcast : Josh Waitzkin — How to Cram 2 Months of Learning into 1 Day — The Tim Ferriss Show — “From my perspective, the goal is unobstructed self-expression.” — Josh Waitzkin
Podcast : Jerry Colonna — The Coach With the Spider Tattoo — The Tim Ferriss Show — “You are not alone. And just because you feel like shit doesn’t mean you are shit.” — Jerry Colonna
Podcast : Julie Rice — Co-Founding SoulCycle, Taming Anxiety, and Mastering Difficult Conversations — The Tim Ferriss Show — “There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.”— Julie Rice
Podcast : How to Transform Information into Knowledge and Wisdom Dr. Jared Horvath discusses education and methods of learning, what makes for an effective learning process as well as exactly how to turn information into lasting knowledge and wisdom — Unmistakable Creative
Famous Failure Podcast : Khe Hy on Taming Self-Doubt and Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset — Ozan Varol
Podcast : How to Access Optimum Growth States in Coaching — Coaches Rising
Quotes I am pondering
It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover ― Henri Poincaré
The greatest punishment for being unwilling to rule is being ruled by someone worse than oneself — Socrates
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen — Michael Jordan
The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function — F. Scott Fitzgerald
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit ― Aristotle
Help is the sunny side of control (Stop helping so much. Don't get your goodness all over everybody ...) — Anne Lamott
The only person who goes around saying “I’m funny” is a not-funny person. If you were really funny, you’d just make people laugh — Patton Oswalt (about Humour)
The only thing that stands between you and your well being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside ― Sadghuru, Inner Engineering
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