Find Your Power Pathway
Blueprint to Entrepreneurial Impact by Design
Power Conversations - Start-Up & Growth Series
Entrepreneurial Quotient Program*

Blueprint to Entrepreneurial Impact by Design
Our Approach
The Find your Power Pathway - Blueprint to Entrepreneurial Impact by Design is a 3 consecutive weeks virtual (100% online) program that is part of the "Power Conversations Series" framework developed inside our "Entrepreneurial Quotient Program" based on our proprietary "Entrepreneurial Iteration To Awesome" Method and focused on Startup and Growth entrepreneurial stages of development.
The "Power Conversations" framework is set up as a series of one on one, on-line coaching session. Its guiding purpose is to explore, cultivate, and build-up your entrepreneurial spirit and skills. Our process which draws partly from the techniques used at actual on-site Incubators will also help you develop your unique business model, value proposition, and signature brand as well as enhance your professional/market positioning, visibility, and influence focusing on your ideal spaces for contribution.
Get a taste of how (the process and techniques) actual incubators move their cohorts through iterations to rapid product development and market fit. Test-drive our proprietary "Iteration to Awesome Method which is rooted in the incubation process.
We adapt incubators' effective frameworks which come from a Silicon-Valley biased, venture capital vision of entrepreneurship to make them relevant to non-tech-centric businesses regardless of their geographical location and spin the original model on its head to Infuse our perspective which is based on a method we created integrating various (very) rarely combined fields of knowledge and influences and which we deliver in a very bespoke, customized, made for-you-only manner.
We take a contrarian and controversial approach to the incubator concept (which is a group experience by definition), and although we strongly suggest you do join those ecosystems (groups, clubs, masterminds, chamber of commerce …) that will support your growth and livelihood; We believe that actual incubators generally deliver experiences that are normative and a numbers game.
Incubators put entire cohorts through the standard framework they operate on and take an educated guess on how many will succeed, in line with the typical venture capital model. With the undeniable great learnings and connections gained from these experiences also often come some less positive outcomes (there are exceptions of course, such as some tech for good initiatives... etc.) such as :
Group thinking and Formatting Vs. genuine differentiation at the granular personal level, which will make you stand out in the noise
Tech-centered Vs. Impact-driven ventures that serve the world
Exponential Growth Vs. Sustainability focus
Competition Vs. Cooperation
Very specific similar profiles, cultures, and vision of the world Vs. Inclusion and diversity
Winning alone and against others Vs. Expanding the field from an Abundance perspective
We also hold the perspective that products and services do not exist in a vacuum and that entrepreneurs embark on their entrepreneurial journey for the long haul, and not only for the life-span of a specific product or service, and that they evolve within a supportive ecosystem. Hence, the need to develop sustainable value-propositions and agile business models that contribute to an ecosystem, and thrive over time. Our evolutionary frameworks support the creation and development of such business models and value propositions designed to deliver results and impact continuously for the greater ecosystem.
WHO is this for?
Still wondering whether our "Entrepreneurial Iteration To Awesome" Method is a fit for you?
Are you a mission-driven entrepreneur or entrepreneur in the making, corporate intrapreneur, leader, or change agent with big projects for the world who quite naturally is facing significant challenges in achieving success?
Are you seeking to become more intentional, insightful, effective, and consistent in manifesting the relevant business outcomes and results that will satisfy your goals, serve your mission, and future-proof your path?
No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial (startup or growth journey), we will meet you there!
Wonder no more, our transformational coaching approach is designed to:
Clarify, activate and sustain your entrepreneurial drive
Unleash your creative potential and unique blend of talents
Deliver your signature contribution and serve your community
WHAT you can expect from our collaboration:
Detailed Proposed Agenda :
Session 1 - Your Ask: You get to ask us for a maximum of 3 wishes (outcomes) you would like to see come true (materialized results). We will take you (for one hour) on a discovery journey into Awareness, Contribution, and Business Model Design, so you can Clearly see your Gift and Path to Value Creation and Generate the Thriving Impact you seek to deliver.
We will cover the following points:
Clarify your desired outcomes (results) and how the value and impact you expect they will deliver meets your purpose/mission
Identify essential building blocks, steps, and road-map direction to reach your goals and generate the desired outcomes
Uncover what has been standing in your way all this time not allowing you to get the benefits you want as well as which resources are needed for you to face the challenges, bridge the gaps, and unlock the situation now, so you can expand the realm of what's possible, unlock your authentic Path and Contribute your unique Gift
Design your Business Model and companion Signature Brand :
Design your Business Model for Singularity, Agility, Market Relevance, Competitiveness, and Impact
Clarify, Refine your Signature Brand as an Entrepreneur and a Leader
Align your Professional, Business Positioning and Value Proposals with your Core Values - Create and Lead from Core Values
Enhance your Market/Professional Positioning, Visibility and Grow your Network and Influence focusing on your ideal spaces for contribution
Complete the consultation knowing what your next action-steps are to generate the results and implement the changes you are looking for, as well as sustain your efforts to achieve your goals and targeted Impact.
Session 2 - Accountability Session: During this 15 minutes check-up session You get to share in 3 sentences (maximum) how you are progressing on your 3 wishes and what you believe you may need further support with
Session 3 - Laser Focus Session: You get to choose 1 of your 3 wishes (outcomes) to focus on and take a deep dive, down that path (for one hour) to explore it with more granularity and fine-tune your approach to impact. With the new insights gathered, you can now start outlining the key-building blocks for your next steps and mapping out your road-map forward for that specific outcome to materialize, moving you one step closer to impact.
WHY are we qualified to support you?
We help Impact-Driven Founders Craft Business Models that Thrive by Design. We incubate Entrepreneurs from mere ideation to creation and scale. No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, we will meet you right there!
Consider this
Evidence shows that businesses bearing the potential to deliver impact at scale are generally designed that way; from inception. The frameworks that transform purpose into effective impact need to be intentionally ingrained in the DNA of organizations so that they may organically evolve and thrive, irrespective of the challenges that will arise over time. When dealt with at later stages or as add-on features (not main, core features) they often deliver limited results (or worst, fail as they never reach market fit). Founders generally end up facing massive "pivots" which look more like full-fledged "overhauls" of the entire business model than marginal adaptive "pivots", using outside (usually dilutive) sources of capital funding (as opposed to organically being funded by their customers)... let alone, not being ideally positioned to capitalize on the full benefits of long-term organic growth, and compounded, shared-value-creation ...
Why do Startups and Businesses fail?
#1 reason: @42% NO Product-Market Fit
75% of all transformation efforts (pivots) fail*
33% of businesses will die in the next 5 years*
(source: BCG before Covid -19)*
How would you feel about creating and growing your business knowing that it is structured, from inception, to thrive by design? Well, we've got you covered right here with our Entrepreneurial Iteration to Awesome method.
Our mission is to help founders just like you structure business models that thrive by design, so that you can Operate your business inside your product/market fit zone, Pivot with success in due time, and Enjoy a sustainable entrepreneurial ride.
Testimonials and Business Cases
More about us :Check us out on LinkedIn.
The Power Conversations Series is part of our Entrepreneurial Quotient (EQ) Program*
Please complete the Power Conversations series enrollment form.
The program is available in English & French
When you join us, you will get access to a Private Group hosted on our website.
Impact Entrepreneurial - Modèle de l'approche par le Design
Notre Approche
Le package "Find your Power Pathway - Blueprint to Entrepreneurial Impact by design" est un programme entièrement virtuel (100% en ligne) de 3 semaines consécutives qui fait partie de la série "Power Conversations" conçue dans le cadre de notre programme "Quotient Entrepreneurial" et fondée sur les principes de notre Méthode propriétaire "Entrepreneurial Iteration To Awesome Method". Il est conçu pour les phases de startup et de croissance des entreprises à mission.
La série "Power Conversations" se présente sous le format d'une succession de sessions de coaching individuelles en ligne dont le but est de vous aider à explorer, cultiver, muscler votre fibre et compétences entrepreneuriales. Nos méthodes inspirées notamment de celles pratiquées au sein d’authentiques Incubateurs en présentiel vous permettront d'élaborer votre Modèle Entrepreneurial, de développer votre empreinte (image de marque, signature) professionnelle originale, de gagner en visibilité et influence dans vos sphères de prédilections.
Nous vous proposons une approche personnalisée de l'incubation, sur la base de notre méthode propriétaire, nourrie d'influences et de savoir-faire multiples puisés au sein de champs d'expérience (très) rarement intégrés et qui diffère des modèles d'incubation classiques, certes porteurs de création de valeur et de succès, mais aussi de biais particuliers propres au modèle de capital risque originé dans la Silicon-Valley. Notre approche est fondée sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de modèles économiques et propositions de valeurs durables, agiles, de nature à soutenir un parcours entrepreneurial de longue durée et capables de délivrer résultats tangibles et impacts concrets.
Ce que vous pouvez attendre de notre collaboration :
Programme détaillé proposé par étapes :
Session 1 - Écoute et Potentiel : Vous pourrez nous faire part d'un maximum de 3 souhaits (résultats désirés) que vous aimeriez voir se réaliser (objectifs tangibles). Nous vous convierons alors (pendant une heure) à un parcours initiatique dans le but de vous faire prendre conscience des possibilités qui s'offrent à vous, de vos talents, de comment les mettre au service de la création de valeur afin d'apporter votre contribution et impact à la société.
Nous aborderons les points suivants :
Clarifier les résultats recherchés et tester leur cohérence par rapport aux attentes, besoins exprimés et votre Mission/Impacts souhaités
Identifier les étapes, déterminer le processus à mettre en œuvre pour atteindre les objectifs de nature à produire les résultats désirés
Déceler les blocages, obstacles, causes et raisons qui se sont interposés jusqu'ici à la réalisation de vos projets et quelles ressources mobiliser pour surmonter les difficultés et enfin débloquer la situation maintenant - élargir les champs du possible. Trouver sa voie et apporter sa contribution unique à la société
Élaborer votre Modèle Entrepreneurial et dessiner une Empreinte Professionnelle Originale
Concevoir un Modèle Entrepreneurial Singulier, Agile, Pertinent en terme d'Adéquation, Marché, Compétitif et de nature à Générer l'Impact visé
Clarifier et définir votre image de marque en tant qu'Entrepreneur et Leader
Rechercher un Alignement (cohérence) entre votre Positionnement et vos Valeurs Clés - Entreprendre et Diriger à partir du socle des Valeurs
Améliorer votre Visibilité Professionnelle, votre Positionnement dans le Marché. Développer votre Réseau et Influence dans vos espaces privilégiés de contribution
Cartographier les actions à entreprendre pour implémenter les changements souhaités, obtenir les résultats ciblés et être en position de soutenir vos efforts jusqu'à résolution de votre problématique/atteinte de vos objectifs et de l'impact visé
Session 2 - Etat d'Avancement : durant 15 minutes, vous pourrez me faire part en 3 phrases maximum de l'état d'avancement des démarches entreprises pour réaliser vos 3 souhaits et le cas échéant des thématiques sur lesquelles vous souhaiteriez notre assistance
Session 3 - Ciblage Laser : Vous choisirez 1 de vos 3 souhaits (résultats désirés) sur lequel vous vous concentrerez en profondeur (pendant une heure) pour en explorer les particularités et les enjeux spécifiques afin d'affiner votre compréhension et approche des actions pertinentes à envisager. Fort de ces nouvelles perspectives, vous pourrez commencer à cartographier les étapes clés à franchir et établir un plan d'action pour atteindre les objectifs conformément à vos attentes pour répondre à l'impact visé
• Pourquoi sommes-nous qualifiés pour vous accompagner ?
• Qui nous sommes ?
• A qui s'adresse ce programme ? aux startups et entreprises de croissance, à mission
• Témoignages et Cas Clients
La série "Power Conversations" fait partie de notre programme Quotient Entrepreneurial (EQ) *
Ce programme est disponible en Français et en Anglais
Merci de veiller à compléter le formulaire d'inscription pour la série des Power Converations (le formulaire unique fourni est traduit dans les deux langues proposées).
En nous rejoignant vous aurez accès à un groupe privé hébergé sur notre site.