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The Entrepreneur Inner Journey
Mastering your Inner Game

The Power Conversations - Start-Up & Growth Series
Entrepreneurial Quotient Program*
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Mastering the Inner Game (Coaching)


The Entrepreneurial Journey is filled with challenges and opportunities, and at its heart lies an epic human adventure.
Among the key traits of successful serial entrepreneurs is their capacity to continuously :
  • Uphold and nurture the vision of what is yet to come into existence ...
  • Find support as well as early adopters for that service (or product) which may only be a concept, a simple landing page, or a prototype at the moment they start out on their journey ...
  • Follow through, make incessant small choices, but also hard decisions that can change destiny, reach out to and secure the resources needed, against all odds and the naysayers, the haters who will hate ...
  • Surf an ocean of uncertainty, complexity, and waves of messy trial and error as they refine their initial idea; confront the "oh so sought-after" and challenging market-fit moment that will make or break them ... to finally (oh no wait, you are actually just only starting ...) reach the sacred implementation phase that needs to be executed successfully ... and pivot their offerings and business model to adapt to evolving market conditions and the global environment ... forevermore
How do you befriend uncertainty and fear, find clarity and balance, develop resilience, engage partners, and establish trust and community to transform a simple idea or concept into a real product or service, which then turns into a family (suite) of products and services that sell and support the formation of an enterprise that thrives and morphs to adapt over time?  Well ... the road is long, hectic and the learning curve rather steep...
In our experience, the entrepreneur's mindset and inner game are the catalysts that ignite and nourish the spirit powering up any entrepreneurial journey and venture. Then, the only relevant questions are: Whom do you need to become for your next step to unfold, and how do you build the inner skills that support your continuous evolution through the milestones of your entrepreneurial journey?
If this resonates with you, we suggest you take a step back from your business plan, your marketing plan, and your product launch ... the Why, Who, What, Where, When, and How which are second-order considerations compared to what seats at your core and focus inward instead, even for just one hour, on making sure you have your inner-game figured out.
WHO is this for? 
So, take a deep breath ... do you recognize yourself in any of the following situations? 
  • No matter how many trainings, classes, and knowledge you have been accumulating, you still lack the confidence to make an ask, expose your offering to the world, reach out to your network ...
  • Each time you are about to take action, you let your inner critic (it works with outside critics also) sabotage your every attempt and talk you out of even trying or are harshly critical of any one of your achievements when you take action ...
  • Are you always questioning your capacities through your own vivid inner dialogue, along the lines of: who do I think I am to: teach people about this topic, pretend I can solve this problem ...? There are so many other experts at established companies offering a better product; why would anyone trust me or choose my product/solution?  
  • Are you questioning your value and whether your product, service (also works with yourself, and job remuneration if employed) are really worth the price you are asking for? Are you always selling yourself short, not daring to ask for a raise, anxious to talk about money and face a negotiation? ...
  • Are you caught up in the stressful process of searching for your business (or product or service) market fit, or maybe pivoting your positioning or growing your market share? 
  • Are you trying to find a way to get access to investors you have no connection to and to identify who could be interested in investing in your company and have no clue where to start? Do you find the whole process daunting? The next thing on the line will be to pitch them effectively and convince them to fund your start-up or growth. How do you feel about that? Are you ready to face the many rejections that will undoubtedly arise and still keep pushing through to success while keeping your team motivated, focused, and building a generative culture? 
  • Do you sometimes feel discouraged or overwhelmed with all the responsibilities and challenges attached to bringing forth a new venture (possibly disrupting a market and its incumbents)? Are you working yourself to exhaustion? Do you ever worry about failure?
  • Are you an asset/fund manager, allocator, investor, trader, advisor, etc... operating in the finance/investment industry at large and do you sometimes feel caught between FOMO on a great opportunity, market hype, group dynamics (and their biases), constraints of lengthy due diligence and other control, governance, etc... processes and yet pressured (from peers, from hierarchy, LPs, etc ...) to act fast on limited data and short time horizons? Can you confidently say your group is (was) always able to exercise all the duties of care and diligence attached to its role and responsibility? Has your group ever been conned or exposed to, or witnessed a situation that turned sour? Are you familiar with the behavioral factors that usually contribute to such outcomes? 
  • Do you come from a not-for-profit environment (also applies to any type of unpaid work habits, cultural norms) where the norm is that helping people solve their problems is a moral obligation and obviously free of charge by construct (nature)?
  • Do you think people who charge for their "help" (i.e.: products or services) exhibit low ethics? And that marketing and sales are but vile and mercantile practices?
Our Approach   
Entrepreneurship is a powerful emotional and energetic commitment before financial and operational aspects can even be considered.  
Our methods draw from the work we have been doing for the last 10 years supporting early-stage and growth founders to start up and scale their businesses as well as our experience with social-technology frameworks which we have adapted to the entrepreneurial context from the fields of Psychology (developmental, cognitive, behavioral, integral and process-oriented (pop) psychology to name a few sources of influence) Innovation, Creativity, and design thinking; Leadership, Change management, Mindfulness (MBSR**) and Presence based practices as well as coaching Highly Performing Individuals (such as athletes, artists, and CEOs) and Teams in Sports, Business and Non-for-Profit/Philanthropy sectors. 
WHAT you can expect from our collaboration: 
If any of the above sounds somewhat familiar, then we invite you to join us for a one (1) hour conversation dedicated to :
  • accessing and exploring the many dimensions of your entrepreneurial core
  • understanding what drives your mindset, fuels your inner-game 
  • teaching you our proprietary methods so that you can create bespoke, supportive conditions for your entrepreneurial endeavors to manifest and thrive in the material world
In this session, we focus exclusively on developing the first-order mindsets and sustainable behaviors that will shape your inner game and inform your inner journey.
WHY are we qualified to support you? 

We help Impact-Driven Founders Craft Business Models that Thrive by Design. We incubate Entrepreneurs from mere ideation to creation and scale. No matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, We will meet you right there!  

More about us Check us out on LinkedIn.

Testimonials and Business Cases 

The program is available in English and French
The Entrepreneur Inner-Journey is a "soft-skill" focused variant of the Power Conversations package and is part of the EQ* Program
** MBSR - mindfulness-based stress reduction 
Deep Work Advantage (E-Book)
Deep Work Advantage  E book
The Deep Work Advantage E-book is a hands-on complimentary guide for entrepreneurs looking to elevate their leadership and business success by focusing on holistic, human-centered principles. It’s designed to help you tap into your full potential while aligning personal growth with business objectives.
Key highlights include:
  • Deep Work: Learn strategies like time blocking and eliminating distractions to achieve distraction-free focus for creative and high-impact work.
  • Human-Centric Leadership: Explore ten core pillars like emotional intelligence, resilience, adaptability, and collaboration to lead with empathy and authenticity.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Build the skills to recover from setbacks and thrive in changing environments.
  • Creativity and Emotional Intelligence: Tap into innovation and balance logic with emotional insights for better decision-making.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: Gauge your strengths and areas for growth, with actionable recommendations tailored to your entrepreneurial journey.
Through compelling case studies and actionable strategies, this guide demonstrates how to seamlessly integrate focus, creativity, and emotional intelligence into your professional journey. It serves as a roadmap for evolving into a conscious, innovative leader in today’s fast-paced business landscape while offering an inside look at the transformative methods we use to empower our coaching clients.
If that sounds like something you’re ready for, this free guide has you covered!
Deep Dive Podcast Episode 5
Episode #5
In this episode, our AI podcasters discuss the content of the E-Book.
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